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Baked Tarhana - 1

Baked Tarhana

Product code :T1490
150 TL
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Haşiroğlu Chipstar Baked (225 Gr)
Chipstar Baked (225 Gr)It is produced in a special, natural, additive-free and healthy way for our customers.
Haşiroğlu Tarhana, which is the first to produce baked tarhana, is an open-minded company with many innovative ideas.
Tarhana is a food that is easily digested and ready to cook. One serving of tarhana soup (depends on the amount and type of ingredients in its ingredients) approx. 132 calories, 49 protein, 20mg calcium, 0.6mg iron, 200 vitamin A, 0.03mg vitamin B1, 0.05mg vitamin B2, 0.09 Contains mg of niacin.
With our production experience and professional team that started in 1991chips tarhana, baked tarhana, spicy tarhana, soup tarhana, snack tarhana, cream tarhana, peppered tarhana, with creamfried tarhanarealizes village type squeezed tarhana production.
Maraş Market also supplies many local products such as maraş flake pepper, maraş donut, maraş foam sausage, maraş samsa, maraş walnut, dry products, pepper paste, peanut butter.

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Barcode ::8697671790241
Supplier Product Code::1490
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