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Raisin Yellow (500gr)

Product Code : 696 Ask the Supplier
149 TL
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Benefits of Raisins

The grapes of Kahramanmaraş vineyards are now closer to you.

Iron, calcium and potassium minerals in grape products have curative properties for anemia, weakness, weakness and diarrhea as well as bone development.

Those who want to gain weight and those who want to make a diet should eat grapes because it gives energy.

It is a source of protein and carbohydrates.

It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and minerals phosphate, calcium, iron, phosphoric acid, organic acids, formic acid.

It meets 1/5 of the daily calcium and 1/3 of the iron. Minerals treat weakness, anemia, diarrhea and weakness.

It is also good for liver weakness, cough, bronchitis.

It is very beneficial for the stomach.

It is also good for Forgetfulness.

It is a powerful food.

500 Gr.