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Big Meat Sausage - 1 Kg - 1Big Meat Sausage - 1 Kg - 2

Big Meat Sausage - 1 Kg

Product code :T1479
799 TL
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Irişgit, whose history dates back to the Dulkadiroğlu Principality, has been the indispensable nutrient of Kahramanmaraş tables for 700 years.

Our Kahramanmaras irişkiti meat smelling of barbecue in the bush bush because of its known plenty of garlic sausage made from veal as with various special blend of spices and painful death at all interested in seeing Turkey.

Ingredients: Beef, small amount of lamb, salt, pepper, garlic, seven spices

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Barcode ::8697671790281
Supplier Product Code::1479
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