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Dry Red-Shelled Pistachio

Product code :T1748
380 TL
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Some of the benefits of pistachio for our body are as follows:

- It clears the inflammation in the lungs.
- Relieves pain by softening the chest.
- It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.
- It protects the stomach lining.
- It balances the acid rate formed in the stomach.
- It relaxes the digestive system.
- It also reduces the risk of stroke, stroke and high blood pressure by lowering blood pressure.
- It protects the heart.
- It reduces the risk of indigestion and bloating.
- It helps prevent anemia.
- It gives energy.
- It strengthens the body and mind.
- It relieves fatigue.
- It renews the cells in the nervous system.
- It strengthens the immune system.
- It helps to lose weight.
- Helps prevent age-related vision disorders.
- Increases libido in men.
- It allows the sands formed in kidney and bladder to be poured.
- When it is boiled and drunk, it constantly stops coughing.
- It meets the phosphorus needed by the human body.
- Helps relieve kidney and gall bladder pain.
- It has a protective effect against cancer.
- It contributes to the intelligence development of children.

Product Filters
Ağırlık: 1000 Gr
Aroma/Tat/Kuruyemiş: Fıstık
Barcode ::89000000007
Supplier Product Code::1748
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