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Yellow Paddy Rice - Karacadağ

Product code :T1178
75 TL
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The special soil structure of the region and its adaptation to special irrigation water distinguishes Karacadağ paddy from other varieties. Karacadağ soils are in the form of a red-brown, exposed soil layer formed by deep rock layers due to the sedimentation of volcanic eruptions. The soil surface is covered with stones of various sizes. Some of these stones were partially cleaned by the producers in the paddy fields. Although rich in organic matter (5%), it has a shallow profile. The properties of irrigation water used in Karacadağ paddy agriculture also differ from other culture paddy. Cultivated paddy is cultivated with irrigation water with a temperature above 15oC, while Karacadağ paddy is cultivated with water at 5-10 degrees Celsius, as it is irrigated with water that fills the ponds with the melting of the snow falling in the winter season and spring water. Grains have high water absorption ability during cooking. There is no flaking and stickiness feature. Rice grains do not fall apart during cooking and keep their shape. The high protein and high starch in the grain make the product delicious. In many studies conducted on Karacadağ rice, it is seen that the grain weight consists of 8-11% protein and 70-80% starch. It is known that Karacadağ rice absorbs 2 times more water during cooking compared to other breeding varieties, especially due to this high protein and starch in its grain composition. Thanks to many essential amino acids, vitamins and enzymes, especially Arginine it contains, it finds widespread use in formula formulation for children in growing age. The fact that the oil and lipid ratio of Karacadağ paddy is over 2% prevents the product from being kept for a long time under natural conditions. It is more suitable for fresh consumption. As the name suggests, the term local population exists in mixed populations.
Product Filters
Adet: 1 Paket
Ağırlık: 1000 Gr
Raf Ömrü: 2 Yıl
Barcode ::8425896348470
Supplier Product Code::1178
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