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White Black Pepper - 100 Gr

Product code :T1537
100 TL
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White Black Pepper Grain

Other Names; Piper nigrum, Poivre, Black Pepper, Pfeffer

Composition; Contains capsaicin, Vit C, carotene and salunidine.

White pepper: Black pepper and white pepper are the fruits of the same tree. However, the black pepper is plucked before it reaches its full maturity, remaining on the sheath around the seed. White pepper, on the other hand, is plucked after it reaches its full maturity and the sheath around it is removed. Dip white pepper in sea water to remove the cover. This transaction costs; Load up and white pepper; It is more expensive than black pepper. There is also green pepper like white pepper, its medicinal effects are the same. It is used especially in the making of light colored sauces and dishes.

The feature of white pepper does not discolor sauces such as black pepper when used; it tastes and smells like black pepper.

Usage and Benefits; To facilitate digestion, take the black pepper in a sauce made with mint and cinnamon. When chewed as grains in the mouth, it can increase the amount of saliva.

Dr. According to Bouchardat, black pepper is an aperitif for anemics. 1 / 2-2 gr. Black pepper is a good aphrodisiac replacement when taken every day.

It is found in all meals and tables. It is used in vegetable, chicken, fish soups, meat sauces (barbecue), raw meatballs, sterile, meat and vegetable dishes, all kinds of sauced meat dishes, olive oil and meat stuffed, delicatessen.

Black pepper does not spoil the color of sauces. Black pepper has an advantage over other spices, that it can be added while cooking or at the table. In fatty meats, delicatessen; It is sprinkled on sauces, salads, all kinds of salty and flat food to add flavor and taste.

Where it grows: Mexico, Central America, West India, Malaysia, Indonesia

White Pepper shows digestive, stimulating, blood circulation accelerating, appetizing, urine-enhancing properties.

It is beneficial for spleen and pancreas.

It is beneficial in arteriosclerosis as it affects the blood circulation positively.

It should be used in cases of cold and flu.
Product Filters
Adet: 1 Paket
Ağırlık: 100 Gr
Raf Ömrü: 18 Ay
Barcode ::8697671790325
Supplier Product Code::1537
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